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PCCN Brampton

Vince Schiralli via Zoom, “Butts in Motion”, Tuesday, March 8, 2022 at 7:30 p.m.

Prostate Cancer Support Brampton is just one of 70+ Canadian prostate cancer support groups affiliated with Prostate Cancer Support Canada, an initiative of the Prostate Cancer Foundation of BC. PCF BC is one of the most active groups in Canada.

Their “Butts in Motion” program has increased awareness of prostate cancer while building camaraderie and improving the fitness of their members for years. We are hoping to do something similar here in Ontario.

Vince Schialli, often referred to as the “The Head Butt”, will discuss how Butts in Motion came to be and describe the events that it runs so successfully. See and for more insights. You will become just as excited as we are to learn more from Vince!

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You can forward your questions or suggestions to: or telephone905-458-6650. We look forward to seeing you online on March 8th.