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PCCN Brampton

End of the Year Social Evening

Tuesday, 11 June 2019 – 7:00pm

Once again, the Steering Committee has decided to bring Chinese specialties from the Mandarin instead of holding a potluck. As we do at Christmas, there will be a $10 per person charge, $5 per additional family member, so $15 per couple, to help defray the costs.  Please RSVP to Gary Foote of your intention to attend:  905-458-6650 or

Once again, let’s all wear plaid – the wilder the better – to the June Potluck and Social Evening so that we can take another group photo to submit to PCC in support of Prostate Cancer Canada’s annual Wear Plaid for Dad campaign.  This campaign is a simple way to raise funds for PCC’s research, awareness and support programs and to get people talking about prostate cancer. 

This initiative is being supported by a number of celebrity Ambassadors, ranging from sports icon Don Cherry to Canadian actor Eric McCormack to philanthropist & survivor DW. Brett Wilson to auto racer James Hinchcliffe. Check out the posts to the PCC Facebook page.

This year, Prostate Cancer Canada has partnered with several corporations that are donating portions of their sales to PCC. Go to for links to the offerings from Hill Street Beverage Company (non-alcoholic beverages), Indochino (plaid men’s suits and shirts), and Head and Penn (tennis rackets and balls).

Hill Street is a particularly generous partner that has a very entertaining and informative website featuring an appeal from Eric McCormack and a well-worded plea that ends with “…we’re asking you to help convince the 50+ year old men in your life to go get tested. The survival rate for prostate cancer is close to 100% when detected early.”

There is also a link to the PCC Store where you can purchase a range of PCC-branded items, ranging from pens to BBQ kits to tee shirts to Indy cycling jerseys. Finally, the Shop site mentions the “Plaid for Dad Golf Day” that the good folks at ClubLink ran on May 21st at its four locations around Southern Ontario. Jim Dorsey was fortunate enough to run the registration table at their beautiful Glen Abbey Golf Club. This event started in 2015 and the participants include men with prostate cancer and their friends and family members.

You can forward your questions or suggestions to: or telephone 905-458-6650.

We look forward to seeing you downstairs at Wellspring Chinguacousy Cancer Support Centre, 5 Inspiration Way, Brampton, ON L6R 0L7, west of Torbram Road and south of Father Tobin Drive.  Parking is well lit and free and there is an elevator if you require one.